LoonyGeekFun Helps Other Streamers.
So Many positive things to say about LoonyGeekFun. Why you ask? LoonyGeekFun is not only a great creative streamer, a friend and a stream supporter, He also helps other streamers by creating twitch alerts, logos, intros, be right back scenes, and much much more. Helping give streamers an edge and cool look on their streams. To all of you reading this please get to know a little more about LoonyGeekFun below and stop by his stream and say hello! Tell him Ninjerky sent you. Stay classy gamers and THANK YOU for being EPIC!
About Me
I'm a UK guy who started streaming on 16 March 2016 (I've been watching since 2014)
I broadcast creative things like Adobe After effects template editing or FCPx video editing.
I've just started gaming. Like, brand new to gaming so I need help. lots of help when I play!
I love to chat and interact with viewers, give me a suggestion or offer up your logo for liberal magic to be applied to it.
I have MS which means things can get a little curly on stream but don't panic!
I like to do funny voices and characters during my normal day to day activities and now twitch has given me the power to do it for others too, please come along and see what I'm like when I think no one is watching.
I hope you have fun, I do and it's fun-er if you do too.
Do good things for good people and have fun!
Chat Rules
Don't be
Racist (my partner is Chinese) Homophobic (some of my best friends are gay) ;) Political (some of my worst enemies are politicians) Self Promoting (I'll promote you if you ask me nicely)
Do be
Good enough to whisper any links or ask a mod Nice to other viewers Welcoming any new follower or donator
yes please! I love to get new knowledge about photoshop or AE or anything that I use. If you think you can advise me on something then feel free to shout out!
I am brand new to games so I will need lots of help and your opinions are valued!
giveaway T&C I reserve the right to withdraw the prize if I find out you have cheated or if you try to take advantage in any way that goes against the spirit of a contest and LoonyGeekFun principles
You must be a follower and be active in chat for at least one hour.
ask in chat that you want a thing by typing !requestathing in chat to let Loony know that you want a 5k thing. It costs 5000 loons to get a custom thing. You don't get charged until your thing is accepted.
Don't worry! it's surprisingly easy to get to 5k but until you get there, you can enter loonything raffles to win an intro or logo to do with a game of your choice.
you can buy loons and use them to request a thing but remember, you MUST have been in chat for at least 1 hour before you can. Type !time to see how long you have been in chat and see the chat stats to see how active you've been at http://loonygeekfun.com/chat-stats/
Getting a thing done costs 5000 loons! unless it's a really interesting thing that catches my attention
You get 250 just for following, 200 per host and lots of random giveaways and gifts (see the bot command list below this card)
you can win, gamble, gift, buy and earn loons. You get 5 per 5 minutes that you're in chat.
You get 1000 loons per single unit of currency. ($5 = 5000 loons)
How can I get a 'thing' done?
- type !requestathing in chat and you will be charged 5000 loons if it is accepted
How does the todo list work?
- !requestathing gets priority
- tips get higher priority
- When you first go on the todo list you go to the bottom of those that are already on it
- If the people above you are not in chat then you get moved up for as long as your active in chat
- People that tip get priority (the bigger the tip, the higher the priority)*
What if you don't get to me before your stream finishes?
- Your position gets carried over to the next stream.
- If you come back to the new stream then you get moved up the list
- The earlier that you come back, the more likely you will get moved to the top of the list
How do I get my thing?
- check your card in the done list. it will have links to your thing on dropbox.
- make sure you download it quickly because the space is regularly cleared
What do I need to give you?
- I will ask for the type of 'thing' that you want. Avatar(logo), banner, video, intro, outro, photo manipulation etc
- I will ask for a 'seed' from you so I can grow your 'thing' . eg. "star wars banner for twitch with my name"
- (please don't be too picky and try to micro manage the 'thing' I am doing!
- I make a 'thing' and make you part of it and try to shape it to your wishes)
- I am NOT a remote desktop app to do things exactly how you want. If you want that, go to a freelancer and pay for it
How much does it cost? is it really free?
- Yes it is free, you get it for free if you give feedback, be nice to people in chat and don't be a d*ck
Why has it got your logo on my 'thing'
- Because it is free.
How can I improve my chances to get a 'thing'?
- Be nice. Say hello to people in chat. Don't be insulting. Be a good person.
- my motto is "Good things for good people" so be a good people
Where can I see the stuff you make? - just search twitter for the hash tag #lgfmlos (it stands for loonygeekfun made live on stream) search twitter
- or see my facebook page to see more stuff that I do that isn't made live on stream see facebook
- or go to my twitter page and see announcements about 'things' see twitter
Can I be a mod?
- first rule of becoming a mod, don't ask to be a mod
- Please don't ask to be a mod. I'll ask you if it comes to it
Why did you forget my name/thing/twitter/anything?
- I have frontal lobe damage in my brain. It messes with they way I interpret stuff and understand things
- I may forget what you already said or I may even get frustrated at no answers when in fact, there are answers
- please be tolerant of my regular brain farts! I tend to remember more things from people who are nice in chat.
Are you drunk?, you're slurring your words
- Sometimes I am! but that's not why I slurr my words. I have MS which has given me brain damage.
Can you tell me about your MS/brain damage?
- Sure, ask on stream and I'll give you the run down. I don't mind talking about it
How do you know you have brain damage?
- I've seen it, doctors showed me. It looks gross
Can you look at this link/image/video/youtube
- no, not unless you're a follower and I have talked to you before
Can you draw/animate/paint this [link]?
- no , you'll probably get banned if you send a link without saying hello or if it's the first thing that you do when you come in
Here's all my social things. Please like, follow, subscribe and share from these places. I update twitter and facebook often so that's the best place to check.